Friday, May 14, 2010

CO2 Fractional Resurfacing Laser erases wrinkles and sun damage!

CO2 Fractional Laser for skin resurfacing can take years off of one's face.

Here is a 59 year old client who has had just one treatment with the CO2 Fractional Laser.

Notice the appearance of the skin is brighter. The laser takes off the dead skin cells allowing newer skin to come to the surface and reflect light giving her a more youthful appearance.
Wrinkles have significantly diminished around the eyes and under the eye area down into the cheeks. The eyelids are smoother in appearance and sun damage of the skin has been reduced.

This client could have one more treatment about 6 months later, but her improvement after just one treatment is quite satisfying. Her overall appearance is much more youthful.

CO2 Fractional lasers stimulate collagen up to six months after the initial treatment, but we have seen improvement up to a year later. For more information click here.

1 comment:

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