Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What is VASER™ -- Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction?

VASER™ Assisted Liposuction uses ultrasonic or high frequency sound wave energy to efficiently break apart fat deposits. VASER™ uses a specialized small diameter cannula (thin metal rod) which transmits ultrasound (high frequency sound waves) energy to the treatment area. This small rod is inserted into the fat layer and the energy vibrations selectively burst the walls of the fat cells, emulsifying or liquefying the fat. This makes the fat easier to suction out. The connective tissue and surrounding blood vessels are generally spared resulting in significantly less bruising and tissue injury. This promotes a less painful and easier recovery. Because the fat is rendered into a more manageable state the physician can be more precise in his or her efforts to achieve smoothness and tapering in the treatment areas.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How much does ultrasound assisted liposuction cost? I want my underarms done. This isn't cosmetic but is for hyperhidrosis. I want local anesthesia and not general. Has anyone had ual done? Does it hurt? Any advice?